
You see a prompt similar to the following:
Checking file system space required for client
root and var file systems.
If there is not enough free space available to create the file systems,
you see a prompt similar to the following:
There is not enough free space in /clients
to create the root and var file systems
for client1. client1 has not been added.
If there is enough free space to create file systems, you see the
following prompt:
Creating the root and var file systems for client1
Client client1 has been added.
You see the DMU Main Menu.
Notify the client’s system administrator when client registration is complete
and inform them that they now can boot the client across the network. See
Section 12.3 for basic information about booting a client. See the Installation
Guide Advanced Topics for additional information.
12.3 Booting a DMS Client
After a DMS client is added to the appropriate environment, the client’s
system administrator can boot the client over the network. When
the client starts to boot, the kernel that boots over the network is:
/clients/hostname /.vmunix
The following steps occur when the client boots:
1. The /clients/hostname directory is mounted by NFS as root (/).
2. The /var/adm/dms/dmsN.alpha/root/usr directory is mounted by
NFS as /usr.
The network information you entered about the client when you added it to
the DMS environment is sufficient to boot the DMS client across the LAN.
DMS clients must be able to boot over Ethernet or FDDI LAN. The basic
procedure for booting a processor over the network from a server is to shut
down the client system to console mode and then issue a boot command
from the client.
See the Installation Guide Advanced Topics for information about booting
systems over the network.
12–6 Managing DMS Clients and Environments