
The following conventions are used in this manual:
A percent sign represents the C shell system prompt.
A dollar sign represents the system prompt for the
Bourne, Korn, and POSIX shells.
A number sign represents the superuser prompt.
% cat
Boldface type in interactive examples indicates
typed user input.
Italic (slanted) type indicates variable values,
placeholders, and function argument names.
{| } In syntax definitions, brackets indicate items that
are optional and braces indicate items that are
required. Vertical bars separating items inside
brackets or braces indicate that you choose one item
from among those listed.
A cross-reference to a reference page includes
the appropriate section number in parentheses.
For example, cat
(1) indicates that you can find
information on the cat command in Section 1 of
the reference pages.
Return In an example, a key name enclosed in a box
indicates that you press that key.
Ctrl/x This symbol indicates that you hold down the
first named key while pressing the key or mouse
button that follows the slash. In examples, this
key combination is enclosed in a box (for example,
Ctrl/C ).
About This Manual xiii