
The following choices override your previous selections:
74) ALL mandatory and all optional subsets
75) MANDATORY subsets only
76) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus
Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6):
The following subsets will be loaded:
{selected subset list - all mandatory & optional in this example}
Are these the subsets that should be loaded (y/n) ?
If you enter y, the ris utility loads the subsets. If you enter n,
the list of subsets is displayed again and you can restart your
selection process.
When you confirm your selections, the ris utility extracts the
subsets and displays the name of the new RIS environment.
If you are installing a product that is not part of the base operating system
in the RIS environment, the ris utility tries to determine the system
architecture. If it cannot, you see a prompt similar to the following example:
Choose the architecture of the clients that the environment
will serve:
1) alpha
2) custom
3) mips
Enter your choice: 1
The new environment is in /usr/var/adm/ris/ris0.alpha.
After you set up the RIS areas and register clients in those areas, the clients
can access the areas they need. See Chapter 6 for a discussion of client
4.3 Installing Software into an Existing RIS Area
Follow these steps to install software subsets into an existing RIS
environment. The subsets must be compatible with the setld utility. This
means that the kit was produced in accordance with the instructions in
the Guide to Preparing Product Kits.
1. Log in as root or use the su command to gain superuser privileges.
2. Enter /usr/sbin/ris to start the ris utility. You see the RIS Utility
Main Menu:
*** RIS Utility Main Menu ***
Setting Up a RIS Area 4–5