12.9.3 Removing Subsets
Use the setld utility to remove software subsets from a dmsN .alpha
area. For example, if you want to remove the Document Preparation Tools
Extensions subset, OSFDCMTEXT505, use a command similar to the following:
# setld -D /var/adm/dms/dms0.alpha/root -d OSFDCMTEXT505
The Installation Guide contains a list of all software subsets.
_____________________ Caution _____________________
If the setld utility placed files in the root file system during
the installation, the product may not be fully removed from the
client’s root file system. Be careful about removing any subset
that may be used by client systems. For example:
• If you remove a subset that contains kernel build files, the
clients may not be able to build new kernels.
• If you remove a subset that contains NFS components, the
clients may not be able to reboot.
You should understand client dependencies before you remove a
software component. You may need to delete and reregister all
clients before you can reload a subset.
Managing DMS Clients and Environments 12–15