This glossary defines terms and concepts related to software sharing.
The Berkeley Internet Name Domain. A distributed database lookup service
that allows you to distribute the hosts database network-wide.
boot command
The boot command performs the initial installation and bootstrap of the
operating system. You invoke the boot utility from the >>> console prompt.
See to your hardware documentation for information about valid parameters
for the boot utility on your system.
The bootstrap protocol provides a framework for passing configuration
information to hosts on a TCP/IP network. BOOTP allows a diskless client
machine to discover its own IP address, the address of a server host, and
the name of a file to be loaded into memory and executed. The bootstrap
operation can be thought of as consisting of two phases. The first phase is
address determination and bootfile selection and the second phase is file
Configuration description file. There are two kinds of CDFs:
• An installation CDF (install.cdf) contains the results of the questions
answered during the installation and is stored in the /var/adm/smlogs
directory. You can copy and modify this file to use for Installation
• A configuration CDF (config.cdf) contains network, internet, printer,
and mail configuration information that are saved from a fully installed
and configured system with the sysman -clone -save command. This
file can be applied to a target system during a Full Installation, or it can
be applied manually to a running system.
A context-dependent symbolic link (CDSL) is a special form of symbolic
link that dynamically resolves to a member-specific file, depending upon