
Configuration and Use Manual 173
Operation Mode – Batch Totalizers and InventoriesOperation Mode – Custody TransferOperation Mode
Chapter 20
Using Totalizers and Inventories
20.1 About this chapter
This chapter explains how to monitor, start, stop, and reset totalizers and inventories.
Note: Totalizers and inventories operate differently if the custody transfer application is installed. See
Chapter 19 for more information.
20.2 Overview
There are several totalizer types:
Process totalizers track the total quantity of a process variable, and can be viewed, stopped,
started, and reset during normal use (i.e., from the process monitor or the View menu). Process
totalizers include:
- Mass total
- Volume total
- API reference volume total
- ED (enhanced density) reference volume total
- ED net mass total
- ED net volume total
- Frequency input total
Process inventories track the total quantity of a process variable. They can be viewed from the
process monitor or from the View or the Maintenance menu, but can be reset only from the
Maintenance menu. They are typically used to track the total quantity of a process variable
across multiple resets of the process totalizer. Process inventories include:
- Mass inventory
- Volume inventory
- API reference volume inventory
- ED reference volume inventory
- ED net mass inventory
- ED net volume inventory
- Frequency input inventory
Batch inventories track the total quantity of a process variable across batches. There is one
batch inventory for each batch preset. Batch inventories are available only if the discrete batch
application is installed and configured. The View menu allows you to view batch inventory
values for only the batch presets that are enabled. The Maintenance menu allows you to view
and reset batch inventory values for all six batch presets, whether or not they are defined or