To do… Use the command… Remarks
Display the system time and date
display clock [ | { begin | exclude |
include } regular-expression ]
Available in any view
Display or save operating
statistics for multiple feature
display diagnostic-information [ | { begin
| exclude | include } regular-expression ]
Available in any view
Display CPU usage statistics
display cpu-usage [ slot slot-number [ cpu
cpu-number ] ] [ | { begin | exclude |
include } regular-expression ]
display cpu-usage entry-number [ offset ]
[ verbose ] [ slot slot-number ] [ | { begin |
exclude | include } regular-expression ]
Available in any view
Display historical CPU usage
statistics in charts
display cpu-usage history [ task task-id ]
[ slot slot-number [ cpu cpu-number ] ] [ |
{ begin | exclude | include }
regular-expression ]
Available in any view
Display hardware information
display device [ [ slot slot-number [ subslot
subslot-number ] ] | verbose ] [ | { begin |
exclude | include } regular-expression ]
Available in any view
Display the electronic label data
for the device
display device manuinfo [ | { begin |
exclude | include } regular-expression ]
Available in any view
Display device temperature
display environment [ slot slot-number ]
[ | { begin | exclude | include }
regular-expression ]
Available in any view
This command is available on
only PoE-capable models of
the A3100 v2 EI Switch
Display the operating state of fans
display fan [ fan-id ] [ | { begin | exclude
| include } regular-expression ]
Available in any view
This command is available on
only PoE-capable models of
the A3100 v2 EI Switch
Display memory usage statistics
display memory [ slot slot-number [ cpu
cpu-number ] ] [ | { begin | exclude |
include } regular-expression ]
Available in any view
Display the power state
display power [ power-id ] [ | { begin |
exclude | include } regular-expression ]
Available in any view
Display RPS state information
display rps [ rps-id ] [ | { begin | exclude
| include } regular-expression ]
Available in any view
This feature is available on
only A3100-24-PoE v2 EI
Switch(JD313B) and
A3100-16-PoE v2 EI
Switch(JD312B) models.
Display the mode of the last
display reboot-type [ slot slot-number ] [ |
{ begin | exclude | include }
regular-expression ]
Available in any view
Display the configuration of the
job configured by using the
schedule job command
display schedule job [ | { begin | exclude
| include } regular-expression ]
Available in any view