
Configuration procedure
1. Configure the device that acts as the HTTPS server
# Configure a PKI entity, configure the common name of the entity as http-server1, and the FQDN of the
entity as ssl.security.com.
<Device> system-view
[Device] pki entity en
[Device-pki-entity-en] common-name http-server1
[Device-pki-entity-en] fqdn ssl.security.com
[Device-pki-entity-en] quit
# Create a PKI domain, specify the trusted CA as new-ca, the URL of the server for certificate request as, authority for certificate request as RA, and the entity for
certificate request as en.
[Device] pki domain 1
[Device-pki-domain-1] ca identifier new-ca
[Device-pki-domain-1] certificate request url
[Device-pki-domain-1] certificate request from ra
[Device-pki-domain-1] certificate request entity en
[Device-pki-domain-1] quit
# Create RSA local key pairs.
[Device] public-key loc al create rsa
# Retrieve the CA certificate from the certificate issuing server.
[Device] pki retrieval-certificate ca domain 1
# Request a local certificate from a CA through SCEP for the device.
[Device] pki request-certificate domain 1
# Create an SSL server policy myssl, specify PKI domain 1 for the SSL server policy, and enable
certificate-based SSL client authentication.
[Device] ssl server-policy myssl
[Device-ssl-server-policy-myssl] pki-domain 1
[Device-ssl-server-policy-myssl] client-verify enable
[Device-ssl-server-policy-myssl] quit
# Create a certificate attribute group mygroup1, and configure a certificate attribute rule, specifying that
the Distinguished Name (DN) in the subject name includes the string of new-ca.
[Device] pki certificate attribute-group mygroup1
[Device-pki-cert-attribute-group-mygroup1] attribute 1 issuer-name dn ctn new-ca
[Device-pki-cert-attribute-group-mygroup1] quit
# Create a certificate attribute-based access control policy myacp. Configure a certificate
attribute-based access control rule, specifying that a certificate is considered valid when it matches an
attribute rule in certificate attribute group myacp.
[Device] pki certificate access-control-policy myacp
[Device-pki-cert-acp-myacp] rule 1 permit mygroup1
[Device-pki-cert-acp-myacp] quit
# Associate the HTTPS service with SSL server policy myssl.
[Device] ip https ssl-server-policy myssl
# Associate the HTTPS service with certificate attribute-based access control policy myacp.
[Device] ip https certificate access-control-policy myacp