Version 1.2 Page 18 4/22/04
Console Log
CL: Console Log—view the history of the Console output.
This command displays up to 60 Kilobytes of logged console data (about 60 pages of display in text mode)
sent from the system to the Console path.
Command Mode
CM: Command Mode—enter command mode
This command switches the console terminal from the MP Main Menu to mirrored command interface
mode. If the current console authority is Administrator and the new login is as an Operator, the command
console is denied (remains in MP Main Menu mode). If a command is in progress, a message is displayed
warning the new user of system status.
CO: Console—leave command mode and enter console mode.
This command switches the console terminal from the MP Main Menu to mirrored/redirected console
mode. All mirrored data is displayed. Type CTRL-B to return to the MP command interface.
For VT100 terminals, verify that the MP setting in the CA command is correct and all mirrored consoles
are of the same terminal type for proper operation.
Connect to Service Processor
CSP: Connect to remote management processor over the LAN.
This command allows the local or remote port user to connect over the MP LAN to another MP on the
network. The user that launches the command is given a private connection to the other MP over the LAN.
To return to the original MP, type CTRL-] to disconnect the CSP session.
DATE: Displays the current date, as generated in the MP real-time clock.