
Version 1.2 Page 39 4/22/04
This command activates the upgrade mode. All connections will be closed,
the session will be aborted, and the modem connection will be dropped
immediately. Web and telnet connections will be dropped upon completion.
WARNING: Simultaneous upgrade of MP and System Firmware is not allowed
and will result in SFW corruption.
Please, confirm your intention to activate the upgrade mode (Y/[N]) : y
Enter source system IP address (Q to quit): XX.XX.X.XX
Enter file path (Q to quit): /dsa500/mp_fw/222
Do you wish to use the default login: anonymous / MP@hp.com (Y/[N]/Q) : n
Enter login: firmwareupd (Supply valid user / password for FTP login)
Enter password:
MP Firmware Upgrade Parameters:
Source IP: XX.XX.X.XX ( IP address of node for FTP login )
File Path: /dsa500/mp_fw/222
Login: firmwareupd
Confirm? (Y/[N]): y
-> MP firmware upgrade in progress....
Retrieving upgrade file using FTP.
Retrieved an upgrade file successfully.
Programming ROM. Percent Complete: 100.
Retrieving upgrade file using FTP.
Retrieved an upgrade file successfully.
Programming ROM. Percent Complete: 100.
Retrieving upgrade file using FTP.
Retrieved an upgrade file successfully.
Programming ROM. Percent Complete: 100.
( Why three file transfers/upgrades? Left as exercise for the reader. )
-> MP firmware upgrade complete - Web and telnet connections will
be dropped. MP will now reset....
HP Management Processor
Firmware Revision E.02.22 Jun 13 2003,12:34:29 (Firmware Rev. Updated)
(c) Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 1999-2003. All Rights Reserved.