
Version 1.2 Page 25 4/22/04
Transfer Of Control
TC: System reset through INIT or TOC (Transfer of Control) signal
Under normal operation, shut down the operating system before issuing this command.
This command causes the system to be reset through the INIT (or TOC) signal. Execution of this command
irrecoverably halts all system processing and I/O activity and restarts the computer system. It is different
from the RS command in that the processors are signaled to dump state on the way down.
TE: TEll—sends a message to other terminals.
Up to 80 characters can be typed in. The message is broadcast to the other mirrored clients. Users in a
session or CSP are not shown the message.
User Configuration
UC: User Configuration—controls user access
This command allows an Administrator to add, modify, re-enable, or delete user logins. The Administrator
can also enable or disable security warnings and change passwords.
Virtual Front Panel
VFP: Display Virtual Front Panel
When invoked, this command displays a current summary of system status, including the state of front
panel LEDs.
There are two ways that the live display of events can be started:
1. Live Mode: Invoked from the VFP command at the MP prompt. To exit, type Q to quit the
2. Early Boot Mode: When the boot sequence for the system begins, the live VFP is invoked
automatically. When boot finishes, you are automatically switched to console mode.
The LED state reflects the state of the front panel LEDs. When system power is off, the remote LED shows
“off” even thought remote access may be enabled with the EL or ER commands.
WHO: Displays a list of MP connected users.
This command displays the login name and operating mode (Main Menu, command, etc.) of the connected
console client users and the port on which they are connected. For the LAN and WEB console clients the
remote IP address is also displayed.
If the local console client user did not originate the MP command Interface session, there is always one