5 - 21
(3) No processing
When parameter No.0261 is set to 2, normal operation is continued even if the speed limit is exceeded.
Start operation
Speed limit for each axis
Speed of each axis
Feed speed
Note. This enables operation at the limits of the motor; however, there is the possibility of setting overload or over speed
5.4.5 Restrictions
The following restrictions apply concerning use of linear interpolation.
(1) A primary axis linear interpolation start up error (operation alarm 40) occurs for the following.
• If axes that have been set to something besides linear interpolation mode (LIP) are included in the same
group. (operation alarm 40, detail 01)
• If a single group is defined with 5 or more axes. (operation alarm 40, detail 02)
• If a group number that exceeds the valid group number is defined when performing start operation for
linear interpolation. (operation alarm 40, detail 03)
• If the numbers of points defined for axes in the group are different. (operation alarm 40, detail 04)
• If the speed unit (parameter No.0200) is defined to be "2: r/min". (operation alarm 40, detail 05)
(2) A primary axis linear interpolation point data error (operation alarm 41) and an auxiliary axis group error
(operation alarm 16, detail 01) occur for the following.
• If there is an axis within the group whose movement amount exceeds the maximum of 999999999.
(operation alarm 41, detail 01)
• If the speed limit for the group configured axis is exceeded. (operation alarm 41, detail 02)
(If excessive speed processing (parameter No.0261) is defined to be "1: alarm stop".)
(3) If there is an auxiliary axis in operation or has an alarm set upon starting linear interpolation mode, "can't
start linear interpolation auxiliary axis error" (operation alarm 42) occurs on the primary axis.
(4) If an alarm occurs during operation, the axis that caused the error occurs to the particular alarm and the
other axes in the group are set to "group error" (operation alarm 16, detail 01).
(5) If there is an axis such as the axes defined below within the group, a "software limit error" occurs.
• If there is movement from within Software limits to outside the limits. (operation alarm A1, detail 01)
• If there is movement from outside Software limits in the direction of outside the limits. (operation alarm A2,
detail 01)
(6) The command change signal is input to the primary axis. Input of the signal to auxiliary axes is invalid.
• When changing speeds.
• When changing time constants.
• When changing position.