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5.5.7 Home position return using a dog cradle method
A method where deceleration is started at the front end of the dog, then return briefly to the front end of the dog,
and start moving again at a creep, and that uses the first Z-phase after the dog front end passes as the home
(1) When there is a proximity dog in the direction of home position return
(Note 1, 2)
Home position
Creep speed
Proximity dog
(Note 3)
Home position return direction
Home position return speed
Start operation
Z-phase pulse
Amount of home
position shift
Note 1. The amount of home position offset is set to the amount of shift in the home position (parameter No.0248, 0249).
2. If the amount of shift in the home position is zero, the servo stops above the Z-phase.
3. The polarity of the proximity dog input signal can be changed using home position return option 1 (parameter
(The above figure shows the case of the normally closed contact.)
(2) When the proximity dog is in the opposite direction against the direction of home position return.
Limit switch
Home position return direction
Home position
Amount of home
position shift
Creep speed
Start operation
Proximity dog
Z-phase pulse
Home position return speed