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(a) In-position stop
After completion of the command pulse output, if it is in-position, the point movement is completed.
Movement to next point
Actual speed
Command speed
When the actual position is within the in-position boundaries, movement to the
next point is started.
(b) Smoothing stop
After completion of the command pulse output, point movement is complete.
Actual speed
Command speed
Movement to next point
If the command is zero, movement to the next point is started.
(c) Continue operation
After arriving at the position commanded to go to, the speed is changed to the speed commanded for
the next point and movement to the next point is started. The acceleration and deceleration time
constants for changing speeds are set to the acceleration and deceleration time constants of the next
However, continuous operation is not performed under the following conditions.
• When a dwell is set
If there is a dwell defined, after coming to a smoothing stop and completion of the dwell time setting,
movement to the next point is started.
• When there is end point
Operation that is the same as a smoothing stop is performed.
Command speed
Movement to next point
After arriving at the position commanded to go to, speed is changed to the
speed commanded for the next point and movement to the next point is started.