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7.3 Alarm and system error
When an incorrect setting or incorrect operation is done, the position board raises an alarm, so make user
program monitor the alarm periodically.
The position board can raise the following four alarms: system alarm, servo alarm, operation alarm, and
system error. For the cause of occurrence and treatment for each alarm, refer to Chapter 13.
Use the sscGetAlarm/sscResetAlarm functions to get/reset the alarm number.
Specify the following in the argument for the alarm type.
System alarm : SSC_ALARM_SYSTEM
Servo alarm : SSC_ALARM_SERVO
Operation alarm: SSC_ALARM_OPERATION
(1) System alarm
System alarm is an alarm a position board raises by incorrect setting of a system parameter or each
function. When a system alarm occurs, during system alarm signal (CALM) turns on and the alarm number
and the detail number are stored in System alarm number and Specific system alarm number.
To reset the system alarm, turn on the system alarm reset signal (CRST).
Parameter error (system alarm 37) cannot be reset with the system alarm
reset signal. Reexamine the parameter and start the system again.
If another system alarm occurs while the system alarm is occurring, the first
system alarm is notified to the system alarm number. By using log function,
the history of the system alarm number can be checked.
(2) Servo alarm
Servo alarm is an alarm a servo amplifier raises by incorrect setting of a system parameter. When a servo
alarm occurs, during servo alarm signal (SALM) or during servo warning (SWRN) turns on and the alarm
number and the detail number are stored in Servo alarm number and Specific servo alarm number. To
reset the servo alarm, turn on the servo alarm reset signal (SRST).
For the reset of servo alarms, it depends on the specifications of the servo
amplifier. For details, refer to the Servo Amplifier specification for your servo
When servo alarms have occurred by multiple causes, the servo alarm
number notified to depends on the specifications of the servo amplifier.