8 - 22
(b) Normal mode
1) Summary
In normal mode, the amount of deviation between the master axis and slave axis is detected and
tweaking (compensation of deviation between master axis and slave axis) is performed. This
movement sets the axis linking the master axis and slave axis mechanically at a right angle to the
movement direction.
When home position return is performed using normal mode, after detecting the master axis home
position signal and slave position home position signal while returning to home position, calculate the
deviation of the master axis and slave axis based on the tandem drive home position signal offset
(parameter No.026C, 026D). The master axis moves to the position of the home position signal and
the slave axis moves to the slave axis home position calculated based on the tandem driver home
position signal offset and the previously noted deviation.
When performing home position return in normal mode, set the tandem drive
home position signal offset (parameter No.026C, 026D) to the correct value. If
the tandem drive home position signal offset value is erroneous, the axis that
links the master axis and slave axis will not be at a right angle.
If the amount of deviation between the master axis and the slave axis
exceeds the value calculated from the valid width of tandem drive deviation
compensation (parameter No.026B)
tandem drive deviation compensation
units multiplication (parameter No.026E), an exceeding of valid width of
tandem drive deviation compensation error (operation alarm 57, detail 01)
occurs and home position return operation is terminated. (Tweak movement
is not performed.)