Helix 19
Shutting Down
7. Shutting Down
It is important to the system’s electrical reliability to
maintain steady electrical voltage during shutdown.
Failure to follow these procedures can cause voltage
uctuations that can damage the equipment and
void the warranty.
1. Perform the Pressure Relief Procedure (section 6.4).
2. TurntheblockheaterON/OFFswitchtoOFF(thisistheswitch
located in the center of the control panel).
3. TurnbothhoseheaterAandBON/OFFswitchestoOFF(these
4. Switch o the air compressor and any other auxiliary
equipment, if being used.
5. Open the bleed valve on the air compressor in order to relieve
pressure and remove any water that may have formed in the
6. Turn the Component (A) and Component (B) inlet valve
handles to the closed position (handle should be 90º to the
7. Shut down the transfer pumps as required.
7.1 Parking
Perform the following steps on the (A) Component
Pump ONLY unless otherwise specied. The
following must be done in order to prevent spray
material build-up on the (A) side Component Pump
uid section.
1. Turnthepressurecontrolknobto“MINPSI”settinginthe
2. Press the #1 key on the Control Display. The “CREEP MODE”
screen will now appear.
3. Slowly turn the pressure control knob clockwise to increase
the pressure. The crankshaft/slider assembly will begin to
move very slowly.
4. Wait until the crankshaft/slider starts moving downward.
When it begins its downstroke, turn the Component (A)
5. When the crankshaft/slider reaches the bottom, dead-
center of its stroke, turn the pressure control knob fully
counterclockwise. The crankshaft/slider assembly should
6. Press the cup button 6-8 times to lubricate the piston on both
(A) and (B) Component Pumps.
7. TurntheON/OFFswitchesforbothComponentPumpsto
8. Switch the generator OFF. Allow generator dwell time, per
the manufacturer recommendations.
7.2 Flushing
Flush the system in a well-ventilated area. Do not
turn on hose heaters or block heater when ushing
with ammable solvents.
If the new Isocyanate being introduced is compatible
with Polyol, it is not necessary to ush the (A) side.
1. Flush out the old uid with new uid, or ush the old uid
with a compatible solvents prior to introducing a new uid
(check with the old uid manufacturer in order to determine a
compatible ushing solvent).
2. Always use the lowest possible pressure when ushing the
sprayer. Make sure the Component Pump pressure control
knobs are turned as far counterclockwise as possible in the
3. Use only moisture-free solvents when ushing the system.