What’s In This Manual?
The SpeedDome Ultra VII Day/Night Camera Dome Configuration Utility Operator's Manual is
organized as follows:
• Chapter 1, Using the Dome Configuration Utility, describes how to use the SpeedDome Ultra VII
Day/Night Camera Dome configuration utility.
• Chapter 2, Configuring Pan, Tilt, Zoom, and Synchronization Options, describes how to set the
“flip” feature, zoom stop, line lock, and Freeze Frame settings.
• Chapter 3, Configuring Camera Features, describes how to configure camera settings to improve
color and low-light performance.
• Chapter 4: Configuring Alarms, Areas, Home, Privacy Settings, Presets and Scan Limits,
describes how to configure settings associated with alarm inputs, the home position, and the North
setting. In addition, you can also set the boundaries for up to 16 areas, establish left and right scan
limits, as well as program presets and Privacy Zones.
• Chapter 5, Configuring Text Displayed On-Screen, describes how to configure settings
associated with displaying text on-screen. This includes names and status information, as well as
the text format and direction indicators.
• Chapter 6, Configuring Language and Password Settings, describes how to set the language for
the menus and prompts. It also describes how to set and enable a password to prevent unauthorized
use of the configuration utility.
If Portuguese is the selected language, the characters “ã” and “õ ” are not available for
display on-screen. This is due to a limitation of the dome’s text overlay chip.
• Chapter 7, Displaying Dome Information, explains how to display essential information about
your dome if service should be required.
• Appendix A, SensorNet and RS-422 Command Summary, provides information about commands
specific to using the dome in a SensorNet or RS-422 environment.
• Appendix B, Manchester Command Summary, provides information about commands specific to
using the dome in a Manchester environment.
• Appendix C, Pelco Coaxitron and P Protocol Command Summary, provides information about
features and commands supported by Pelco Coaxitron and “P” protocols.
• Appendix D, Panasonic Up-the-Coax (UTC) Protocol Command Summary, provides
information about features and commands supported by Panasonic UTC protocol.
• Appendix E: AD Up-the-Coax (UTC) Protocol Command Summary, provides information about
features and commands supported by AD UTC protocol.
Appendix F: Vicon Protocol Command Summary, provid• es information about features and
• Appendix R, Dome Configuration Records, provides a convenient place for listing the
• conditions for using this product.
commands supported by Vicon protocol.
configuration information associated with your camera dome.
Appendix S, Software License Agreement, lists the terms and
vi SpeedDome Ultra VII Day/Night Operator's Manual