Operating Manual
8. Lens
The standard Lenses for the CC640 camera contain the following features:
• CS Mount
• Varifocal (manual zoom)
• Manual Focus
• DC Iris
The camera controls the iris of the lens using the cable with a 4-pin connector.
This connector must always be plugged into the receptacle (on the front lens plate
of the camera) for proper operation.
8.1 Lenses and Field of View
• Currently there are 2 optional lenses for the CC640 camera. A 3.5-8mm
and a 6-12mm.
• What does this mean? These numbers have a direct correlation to the
zoom or field of view.
• The 3.5-8mm Lens has a field of view ranging from 79.8 to 35.4 Degrees
• The 6-12mm Lens has a filed of view ranging from 47.3 to 23.0 Degrees
• Large angle is 79.8 Degrees Small angle is 23 degrees