CC640 Digital Camera
In the above example the task will execute on its own schedule separate from data
collection. A task can also be created that calls the LNCMD.EXE after scheduled
data is collected. This may be more desirable for stations that are called using a
dial up connection to eliminate separate dialling for data and images.
To set-up a task that executes after data is collected the desired station would be
selected and the Add After option would be selected in the Task Master set-up
screen. A pull down menu allows various stations event types to be selected. In
this case After Any Sched Call is selected.
Note: In the station set-up the parameter Delay Before Hangup should be Non-
zero to allow the task to operate.
Figure 12 Task using Add After to collect images after scheduled call
Note that it is necessary to specify the directory in which the files are located for
the CR1000. In our example the USR: drive is selected. Another option is the
CRD: drive if the compact flash module is used with the CR1000.