Operating Manual
The following methods can be used to set the drive size of the USR:
• The Device Configuration Utility program
• PakBus Graph
• Editing the parameter from the Status Table
• The CR1000’s optional keypad and display.
13.2 CR1000 Files Manager
The Files Manager setting on the CR1000 facilitates the management of JPEG
files that are received from the camera. The Files Manager allows the user to
specify a name for the files and the number of files kept in a ring memory type
The format of the Files Manager setting is as follows:
• AAAA – Is the PakBus address of the camera
• DDD – Is the destination drive on the CR1000
USR for the user drive
CRD for the compact flash memory card
• NAME – Is any name string that will be used to name the files
• EXT – The file extension of the incoming file must match. In the case of
the camera this must always be “JPG”.
• NNNN – The number of files kept in the ring memory. This number
should be low enough so that the memory required for the files is less
than what is available in the corresponding drive. However, for the
internal USR drive this would normally be between 3 and 10 images and
for CRD drive (memory card) this can be larger. When communications
are used to retrieve images, it is suggested to limit the number of files in
the ring memory to 200 in order to avoid long communication delays.
An example Files Manager setting is as follows:
• Camera PakBus address is 55
• The files will be stored in the USR: director with a name
SkySouth####.JPG where #### is an incrementing number. Entering a
zero for this parameter will disable the automatic numbering and produce
a fixed file name.
• The 3 most recent files will be kept. A new incoming file will cause the
oldest to be deleted.
13.3 CR1000 CS I/O Communications
The camera can connect directly to the CS I/O port of the CR1000 to transfer
images to it. In addition to setting up the Memory (refer to
013.1 CR1000
) and the Files Manager (refer to 0 13.2 CR1000 Files Manager) the
CR1000 SDC7 and SDC8 BAUD rates must be changed from the default 115200
BAUD to 57600 BAUD.
If desired, a control port on the CR1000 can be configured to pulse a control port
that is connected to the Ext. Input of the camera to initiate image acquisitions.