Item Description
Save button
This is used when saving the captured image or saving corrected image
Correct button
This is used to correct the study information for a saved image.
Print Preview button
This displays the Print Preview screen for the selected image.
Erase button
This deletes the selected image.
Setup button
This opens the Setup dialog box.
Adjust Image button
This is used to adjust the image brightness and contrast.
JPG button
This displays the JPEG image.
BMP button
This displays the BMP image.
9 Thumbnail image display area
This displays the thumbnails of images saved in the date folder, and it
displays the images before they are saved during capture.
10 Counter number This displays the counter number.
11 Capture time This displays the time that the image was captured.
This switches to Capture mode. This is selected when capturing a
retinal image. This displays the connection status for the Connect
button and Release button.
13 Date folder This is the folder for the date when the study was conducted.
This switches to View mode. This is selected to view the images saved
in the date folders.
15 Main image display area This displays the image selected in the Thumbnail Image Display Area.
16 Information display area This displays the study and image information.
17 Study Information This displays the study information.
18 Study Date This displays the study date.
19 Note 1 This records and displays notes for the study.
20 Note 2 This records and displays notes for the study.
21 Note 3 This records and displays notes for the study.
22 Note 4 This records and displays notes for the study.
23 Image Information This displays the information for each image.
24 File name This displays the file name.
25 Date time This displays the capture date and time.
26 Counter This displays the counter number.
27 R/L eye
This records and indicates the right or left eye. The right eye is
indicated by R, the left eye by L, and undermined by O. The setting O is
used if no setting is made.
28 Comment This records comments for the image.