Major Specifications
Type ......................................... Digital AF/AE SLR camera with built-in flash
Recording medium .................. Type I and II CF card
Image size................................ 22.7 mm × 15.1 mm
Compatible lenses.................... Canon EF lenses
(Effective lens focal length: 1.6 times the lens focal length)
Lens mount .............................. Canon EF mount
Imaging Element
Type ......................................... High-sensitivity, high-resolution, single-plate CMOS sensor
Pixels........................................ Effective pixels: Approx. 6.3 megapixels
Total pixels: Approx. 6.52 megapixels (3152×2068)
Aspect ratio .............................. 3:2
Color filter system .................... Primary color filter
Low-pass filter .......................... Located in front of the CCD sensor, non-removable
Recording System
Recording format ..................... Design rule for Camera System (sRGB-compliant)
Image format ............................ JPEG and RAW (12-bit)
File size .................................... (1) Large/Fine: Approx. 2.5 MB (3072×2048 pixels)
(2) Large/Normal: Approx. 1.3 MB (3072×2048 pixels)
(3) Medium/Fine: Approx. 1.4 MB (2048×1360 pixels)
(4) Medium/Normal: Approx. 0.7 MB (2048×1360 pixels)
(5) Small/Fine: Approx. 0.9 MB (1536×1024 pixels)
(6) Small/Normal: Approx. 0.5 MB (1536×1024 pixels)
(7) RAW: Approx. 7.4 MB (3072×2048 pixels)
Exact file sizes depend on the shooting conditions and ISO speed.
File numbering ......................... (1) Continuous numbering (2) Auto reset
Processing parameters ............ Standard parameters plus up to three sets of custom
processing parameters.
Interface ................................... USB Ver. 1.1 (with dedicated cable)
White Balance
System ..................................... Imaging element
Settings .................................... (1) Auto (2) Daylight (3) Cloudy (4) Light bulb
(5) Fluorescent light (6) Flash (7) Custom
Type ......................................... Eye-level pentaprism
Picture coverage ......................
95% vertically and horizontally with respect to the effective pixels
Magnification ............................ 0.88x (-1 diopter with 50mm lens at infinity)
Eyepoint ................................... 20 mm
Built-in dioptric adjustment ....... -3.0 - +1.0 diopter.
Focusing screen....................... Fixed, New Laser Matte screen
Reflex mirror............................. Quick-return half mirror
(Transmission:reflection ratio of 40:60, no mirror cut-off with
EF 600mm f/4 or shorter lens)