How to Operate the Viewer
Admin Viewer/VB Viewer
(12)[Obtain/Release Camera Control] button
This button is used to obtain/release the camera
control privileges.
(13)Information Field
Information messages, warning messages and error
messages are shown to the user.
(14)[Get a Snapshot] button
A still image from the moment of clicking is displayed
in a new window.
(15)SD Memory Card Insert Status Icon
Displays whether or not the SD memory card is
SD memory card is mounted.
SD memory card is not mounted.
(16)[Start/Stop SD Card Recording] button
Recording to the SD memory card starts if you have
camera control privileges. Click again to stop
(17)[Recorded Video Utility] button
The Recorded Video Utility (p. 116) of the Admin Tools
starts up.
(18)[Event Display] button
The event display panel is displayed.
(19)[Viewer PTZ] button
The viewer PTZ panel is displayed.
(20)[Panorama Display] button
The panorama display panel is displayed.
(21)[Control for Admin] button
Displays the Control for Admin Panel.
(22)[Digital PTZ] button
The Digital PTZ panel is displayed.
(23)Preset selection box
You can control the camera with presets registered in
the camera beforehand.
(24)[Home Position] button
Move the camera angle to the home position.
(25)Event Display Panel
This panel is displayed upon clicking the [Event
Display] button.
The panel shows the input status of external devices
and the status of image and volume detection by
intelligent functions.
(26)Panorama Display Panel
This panel is displayed upon clicking the [Panorama
Display] button.
(27)Panorama Display Area
Displays panorama images registered in the camera.
You can operate the camera by controlling the frame
lines within the panorama display area.
(28)Digital PTZ Panel
This panel is displayed upon clicking the [Digital PTZ]
(29)Digital PTZ Area Designator
Specify the area in the image display area to crop with
Digital PTZ.
(30)[Setting Page]
The screen switches to the Settings Menu page.
(31)[Back to top]
The screen switches to the top page of the camera.
(32)Control for Admin Panel
You can operate the camera with the administrator
authorities. For details, see “Using Control for Admin”
(p. 136).
(33)Viewer PTZ Panel
This panel is displayed upon clicking the [Viewer PTZ]
(34)Viewer PTZ Area Designator
Set the cropped area in the image display area.
VB Viewer
(1) Image Display Area
Displays images received from the camera.
(2) Video Size
Set the size of video received from the camera.
(3) Video Display Size
Set the display size of the image shown on the screen.
(4) [Full Screen Mode] button
Live images are shown in full screen mode.
(11)(3) (9) (4)(5)