Epson R1900 Photo Printer User Manual

Sawgrass Technologies, Inc. ~ SubliJet IQ
Getting Started Guide for the Epson Stylus
Photo R1900
Using PowerDriver R1900 XG
in Windows 2000 / XP
PowerDriver R1900 XG
is simple to use. Whenever you have SubliJet IQ inks in your
printer, you should print using PowerDriver R1900 XG
. Do not print to your Epson
Printer with the Epson Printer Driver since printing with the Epson Driver will not give
you the benefit of color management.
Quick Start Example (CorelDRAW)
1. Open/Create an image in CorelDRAW. Select Print from the File Menu.
Note: Please see “Group 2 - Color Options” on
page 18 for more in-depth information
on color options available within the
PowerDriver XG-8 Software.