Counter Display
The scanner is provided with the counter display.
Paper counter
Abrasion counter
The paper counter counts the number of scanned sheets from
the start of reading until Paper Empty or an error is detected.
The counter is automatically reset at the start of reading. The
counter is used for checking the number of sheets to be
scanned at one butch.
Paper counter
Abrasion counter
When the counter value is 0, no number is displayed.
When the
button is pressed
When the
button is pressed
The counter increments each time a document is scanned. The
counter is not initialized, until the power is turned off. The
counter can be used, for example, for checking the number of
sheets that have been scanned in one day.
Abrasion counter counts the accumulated number of the scanned sheet. This
counter increments at every 10 sheets. This counter is useful to check the cleaning
cycle or parts replacement cycle. How to reset is described in Chapter 6.