If using ash/strobe as the main light source
and 1/800s shutter speed, re-member to turn
o the True Exposure option.
Magazine exposure lock 10
Allows you to release the lens and auxiliary
shutter in camera body without a sensor
unit attached.
Yes blocks the lens shutter and auxiliary
shutter in camera body if the sensor unit is
not attached. Generates message on grip
display if attempted.
No allows the lens shutter and auxiliary shut-
ter in camera body to be released without the
sensor unit attached.
Lens exposure lock 11
Allows you to release the auxiliary shutter
in camera body without a lens attached.
Yes blocks the release of auxiliary shutter
in camera body if there is no lens attached.
Generates message on grip display if
No allows a release of auxiliary shutter in
camera body without a lens attached.
Out of range exposure lock 12
Allows you to release the camera when ei-
ther the aperture or shutter speed setting
is beyond the working range (indicated on
the displays by “–”).
Yes blocks the shutter if beyond the working
No allows the shutter to be released (1/800s
or 32s) if beyond the working range.
True exposure 13
Determines whether the exposure is
automatically adjusted to create a true
exposure setting. (See Appendix for full
On allows the adjustment.
O retains the normal setting.
Spot mode 14
Determines how the camera behaves
when set to Spot Mode.
Normal makes the camera behave in the
same fashion as when set to Average or
Centre Weighted.
Zone makes the camera behave in the same
fashion as the Hasselblad 205FCC. That is,
the central spot is placed over a particular
area of the subject and the AE-L button is
pressed. The exposure is then calculated
assuming that the metered area is 18% grey
or Zone 5 and is indicated on the display
as Zone 5. Alternatively, the area can be
reassigned to another zone by turning the
rear control wheel.
Then, when the camera is moved, the areas
within the central spot are indicated by their
zone values.
Focus aid in MF 15
•Half press•Always•O
Sets how the focus aid arrowhead LED
symbols appear in the viewnder display
in manual focus mode.
Half press makes them visible when the
shutter release button is pressed half way.
Always makes them visible all of the time
when camera is active.
O disables them completely.
AF assist light 16
•Ext ash •Camera•O
Allows projection of light pattern to assist
the autofocus system in poor light or low
contrast situations.
Camera sets the integral AF assist illumina-
tion to be always active.
External ash activates the AF assist illu-
mination projected by a suitable attached
external ash unit. When detached, howev-
er, the integral system is automatically used.
O sets the AF assist illumination to remain
always inactive.