The proles feature allows rapid access to pre-determined combinations of settings that
increase the speed and security of workow. One example might be in a social situa-
tion where there might be a need for formal outdoor portraiture followed by informal
indoor handheld ash-assisted wide-angle shots, both situations requiring very dierent
settings in a stressful environment. By predetermining the relevant settings required be-
forehand for each situation, they can be saved collectively as a prole. By calling up the
prole, you can then be assured that all the settings are correct at the press of one button.
For example, you might choose – autofocus single, bracketing, programmed exposure,
etc – for outdoors. Once set, you would click on the red PROFILES button, select a pro-
le name and press SAVE. A new name can be entered for the new prole - ‘Outdoors’,
for instance - and saved again. New settings are made for the indoor shots changing
to ash, Pv setting, etc and the procedure repeated. By simply accessing ‘Outdoors’ or
‘Indoors’ in the prole list, all the relevant settings will be instantly and correctly imple-
mented to match the situation.
There are eight proles: Default, Full auto, Studio, Fill flash. and four Spare reserved
for customization. All except Default can be changed and renamed.
The pre-set proles feature the following:
Default: normal ash sync, autofocus (single), single drive, auto exposure (aperture
priority), average metering, user button -None
Full auto: normal ash sync, autofocus (single), single drive, programmed exposure,
centre weighted metering, user button -None
Studio: normal ash sync, manual focus, single drive, manual exposure, spot metering.
user button - AF drive
Fill flash: normal ash sync (adjusted output -1.7EV), autofocus (single), single drive,
auto exposure, average metering.
Spare: customized proles.
The default setting is highlighted on the display for easy and rapid access. Access to
proles lower on the list is via a scroll bar visible on the right of the display. Rotate the
rear control wheel to bring them into view.
All user proles can be restored to default values again simply by removing the battery
and holding down the MENU and ISO/WB buttons together and while keeping them
depressed, replace the battery. There will be an audible signal that denotes the restoration.
All settings are stored when a prole is created. This includes the ISO, white balance, color
temperature and color tint settings that were current at the time the prole was created.
These prole settings will override the settings in use at the time the prole button was
pressed. In other words, remember to check for unintentional ISO, white balance or color
temperature changes when using proles. (Color tint is not a user setting but is stored after
a manual white balance has been made).
1) Activate the camera and go through the various settings (for example, autofocus,
aperture priority, ll ash exposure compensation, etc.) you require for the particular
purpose and save them as you go.
2) When all the required settings have been made, click (not press!) the PROFILES
button (ON.OFF button) on the grip and the prole screen will appear.