Description of Items in [Other Settings]
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway
Host Name
MAC Address
Program Version
(Within 8 characters)
User Level
Operator Level
Administrator Level
Cache Control
FTP Server Function
Default Page
Select [Available] when DHCP is used.
Change the IP address to the one assigned or approved by the network
administrator. (*This can only be altered when DHCP is not used.)
As with IP address, set subnet mask to a value as instructed or
approved by the network administrator. (*This can only be altered
when DHCP is not used.)
Specify the IP address for the default gateway. Specify as if
this is not used. (*This can only be altered when DHCP is not used.)
Specify up to 8 single-byte alphanumeric characters. Specify when
access linking is performed using a host name in an environment
that enables use of a DNS (Domain Name System). This is also
displayed in the title bar of each subwindow.
Do not enter if this is not used or unknown.
This is a physical address unique to the product. Alteration is not possible.
This is the firmware version of the VN-C655 camera. Alteration is
not possible.
Enter password for VN-C655 up to 8 single-byte alphanumeric
Enter the User level password.
Enter the Operator level password.
Enter the Administrator level password.
There may exist a small number of proxy servers that cache cgi. In
this case, check "Disable cache".
Specify whether the FTP server function is enabled or disabled.When
this function is enabled, uploading of various user html pages or
GIF/JPEG images to VN-C655 will be possible using conventional
FTP client software.
* All uploaded files will be placed under the /user folder.
Access from the web browser is possible by entering
http:// (When referring to aaa.html that is
stored in the FTP. is the IP address of VN-C655.)
* The FTP user name is fixed as "
Administrator". Use the
Administrator Level Password as the FTP password.
Usually, the top page of VN-C655 is specified. When this function is
availabled, the specified html file will be used as the default page.
* Default page refers to the page that is displayed when only the IP
address is specified.
Displaying Still Images that are Uploaded to the /user Folder
Still images in the /user folder can be displayed by creating a web
page containing the following:
<IMG SRC ="/user/xxxxx">
(xxxxx refers to the file name of the still image)
Even when this feature is enabled, an error message indicating "404:
Not Found" will be displayed when is entered if
the html file specified here does not exist. Be sure to enter correctly.
C655(B)_p78-p92 05.3.16, 1:31 PM91