Konica Minolta Xg Digital Camera User Manual

image pasting
Image pasting makes a still image composite by pasting a small
image into a background image. The composite image has the same
image size and quality as the background image.
The image-pasting option in section 2 of the playback menu offers
the choice of frame type and size as well as where to place the
pasted image. Display the background image on the LCD monitor.
Select image pasting in the playback menu and press the center
button to start the pasting process.
Crop frame
Frame capture
Movie editor
Image pasting Enter
sel. enter
Nine frame choices are shown on the LCD monitor. Select the frame
with the controller. Press the center button to continue.
The frame is displayed on the background image. Change the frame
size using the up and down keys; three sizes are available. Press the
center button to continue.