Nikon COOLPIXS100BLK Digital Camera User Manual

Reference Section
List by Date Mode
If you tap C List by date using the procedure
described in “Switching Between Playback
Modes” (A 71), the shooting date selection
screen is displayed. Tap a date to play back
pictures taken on the selected date.
To change the displayed month, tap C or D.
Pictures are displayed in the order that they
were taken on the selected date.
If you tap the d tab in full-frame or thumbnail playback mode, you can select
the playback options (A 73).
B Notes on List by Date Mode
Up to 9,000 of the most recently recorded pictures can be displayed in list by date mode.
Pictures taken before the date and time have been set are recognized as having been taken on
1 2345
10 11 12
17 18 191413 15 16
24 25 262120 22 23
2827 29 30
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat