Technical Notes and Index
R 79
b (e movie record)-button 10
g (tele) 27
f (wide) 27
c Playback button 10
A Shooting mode button 10
o Exposure compensation 44
A Auto mode 24
F Auto sort mode 109
R Backlighting 66
d button 12, 46, 99, 116, 146, 170
k button 11
C Continuous shooting mode 80, 82
l Delete button 31, 126, 152
h Favorite pictures mode 101
m Flash mode 33
K Flash pop-up control 4, 9, 32
C List by date mode 113
p Macro mode 39
D Movie menu 146
j Night landscape 64
S Night portrait 65
c Playback button 30
c Playback menu 115
c Playback mode 30
i Playback zoom 97
C Scene 61
x Scene Auto Selector 62
n Self timer 35
z Setup 169
A Shooting menu 46
u Special Effects Mode 85
h Thumbnail playback 94, 96
AC adapter 197
AF area mode 53
AF assist 181
Album 106
Aperture 28
Aperture value 28
Audio/video cable 155, 197
Audio/video-in jack 155
Auto 32, 49
Auto mode 24
Auto off 184
Auto sort menu 112
Auto sort mode 109
Autofocus 39, 60, 150
Autofocus mode 60, 150
AV cable 155
Backlighting R 66
Battery 14, 16, 173
Battery chamber 5
Battery charger 18, 197
Battery latch 5, 14
Battery level 24
Battery-chamber/memory card slot cover
14, 22
Beach Z 69
Best shot selector 83
Black and white copy n 73
Blink warning 188, 189
Brightness 175
BSS 83
Button sound 183
Calendar display 96
Center-weighted 51
Charge by computer 187
Charge lamp 17, 162
Charger 16, 197
Charging AC Adapter 16, 197
Choose key picture 129
Close-up k 70
Cloudy 49
Compression ratio 47
Computer 157
Connector cover 5