Shooting in the Scene Mode
Shooting Suited for the Scene
4 Press the shutter-release button the rest of the way down.
• The picture will be recorded to the memory card or internal memory.
B Active child
• Flash mode (A28) and exposure compensation(A 32) settings cannot be adjusted after
selecting the subject. If any setting is adjusted after selection of the subject, the selection of
the subject will be cancelled. Deleting pictures, adjusting zoom or Image mode settings
(A 76) will also cancel the selection of the subject .
• In some rare cases shooting subjects with which autofocus may not perform as expected
(A 25), the subject may not be in focus despite the fact that the double border glows
green. Should this occur, switch to AF area mode (Manual or Center), refocus on another
subject positioned at the same distance from the camera as the actual portrait subject, and
use focus lock (A85).