Editing the clip information
You can edit the detailed clip information (clip meta-data).
1 Display the thumbnail display screen.
2 With cross cursor operation, move the
cursor to the target clip.
3 Press [MENU/MODE CHK].
4 Using , and , select “PROPERTY”
– “CLIP PROPERTY”, and press .
The clip information is displayed.
5 Using and , select the item to be edited,
and press .
6 The window with the items to be edited now
appears so select an item using and ,
and then press .
7 The soft keyboard screen now appears.
With cross cursor operation, select
characters to be input, and while entering
them using , edit the information.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 SP BS
q w e r t y u i o p - Caps
a s d f g h j k l . _ OK
z x c v b n m
USER CLIP NAME : 05F00080458200000002
8 Select “OK” with cross cursor operation,
and press to quit editing.
To edit another item, repeat steps 6 to 8.
9 Using and , select “OK” to exit the item
10 Press [MENU/MODE CHK], and select
“EXIT” to exit the clip information screen.
You can edit the following information.
USER CLIP NAME This displays the name of the clip which
has been set by the user; the global clip ID
is set as the default value.
ACCESS CREATOR Name of the person who did the recording
SHOOT SHOOTER Name of the person who did the shooting
LOCATION ALTITUDE Altitude of the shooting location
LONGITUDE Longitude of the shooting location
LATITUDE Latitude of the shooting location
PLACE NAME Place name
SCENE NO. Scene number
TAKE NO. Take number
NEWS REPORTER Name of the reporter
PURPOSE Purpose of the news gathering
OBJECT Object of the news gathering
MEMO PERSON Name of the person who recorded the text
memo which was added to the clip
TEXT Content of the text memo
“LONGITUDE” and “LATITUDE” cannot be deleted separately. To delete, set “ALTITUDE” to blank.
To modify the meta-data of clips displayed by the incomplete clip indicator
, insert the P2 card on which
the remaining clips were recorded.
Attached memo items of 100 characters or more cannot be modified.
When editing “LONGITUDE” or “LATITUDE”, or is sometimes used to move to the item.