10.4 Configure the settings relating to the logs [Log]
(SW355, SW352, SF346, SF342, SF336, SF335, SF332,
SW316L, SW316, SP306, SP305, SP302, SW155,
SW152, NP502, NW502S, SW115)
Click the [Log] tab on the “Basic” page. (®page 42, page 44)
The settings relating to the log list can be configured in this section.
Settings for the alarm log list can be performed.
[Save logs]
Select “On” or “Off” to determine whether to save the alarm logs.
• On: Alarm logs will be saved.
• Off: Alarm logs will not be saved.
• Default: On
• When “Recording format” is set to “H.264”, “Save logs” is set to “On” or “Off” depending on the setting
of “Save trigger”.
• When “H.264” is selected for “Recording format” and when “Alarm input” is selected for “Save
trigger”, only alarm logs will be saved.
[Name of the destination directory for downloaded images]
Enter the name of the destination directory to which images associated with the logs are to be downloaded.
For example, enter “C:\alarm” to designate the folder “alarm” under drive C.
• Available number of characters: 3 - 128 characters
• Available characters: Alphanumeric characters, the slash (/), the backslash (\), the colon (:) and the
underscore (_).
Configure the settings relating to manual saving or schedule saving of the log list.
Operating Instructions 69
10 Configure the basic settings of the camera [Basic]