Step 1
Click the desired button in the frame on the left of the
window to display the respective setup menu.
When there are tabs at the top of the setup page dis-
played in the frame on the right of the window, click the
desired tab to display and configure the setting items
relating to the name of the tab.
Step 2
Complete each setting item displayed in the frame on
the right of the window.
Step 3
After completing each setting item, click the [Set] but-
ton to apply them.
Menu buttons Setup page
How to operate the setup menu
setting item.
When completing the setting items in field A, click the [Set] button (A-1) below field (A). The edited settings in
field A will not be applied unless the [Set] button (A-1) below field (A) is clicked. In the same manner as above,
click the [Set] button (B-1) below field B when completing the setting items in field B.