LDK 5481 + LDK 4700 User’s Guide | Base unit 3-11
Press the up or down button to display the required item. Press the select button
to select it. The display shows the abbreviation of the current item.
Camera Number (CA)
When CA is displayed, push the select button to enter the selection mode. Press the up or
down button to select an available camera number. Push the select button to set the new
camera number. The new camera number is shown in the display.
Subcarrier (SC)
When SC is displayed, push the select button to enter the Subcarrier adjustment mode.
Press the up or down button to shift the Subcarrier phase. If you continue to press a
button, the shift change occurs in bigger steps. Push the select button to leave the
Subcarrier adjustment mode.
H-Phase (HP)
When HP is displayed, push the select button to enter the H-Phase adjustment mode.
Press the up or down button to shift the H-Phase (this is the fine control and changes are
not visible on the display). If you press the button continuously, the shift change occurs in
bigger steps (this is the coarse control; changes are shown on the display). Push the
select button to leave the H-Phase adjustment mode.
Status (ST)
When ST is displayed, push the select button to enter the status mode. Press the up or
down button to select SO (the software status) or FI (the firmware status). Push the select
button to view the status number. Push the select button to leave the status mode.
Menu Off (OF)
This is the inactivity state of the menu
OCP control
The set-up buttons can be used to set up the base unit, however, it is more convenient to
use the OCP connected to the base unit. (Refer to the OCP user guide to find out how to
do this.)