4. Useful Management Tools
Using SyncThru™ Web Service
• Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher is the minimum requirement for
SyncThru™ Web Service.
• SyncThru™ Web Service explanation in this user’s guide may differ from
your machine depending on its options or models.
• Network model only.
Accessing SyncThru™ Web Service
Access a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, from Windows.
Enter the machine IP address of your printer (http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) in
the address field and press the Enter key or click Go.
Your machine’s embedded website opens.
Logging into SyncThru™ Web Service
Before configuring options in SyncThru™ Web Service, you need to log-in as an
administrator. You can still use SyncThru™ Web Service without logging in but
you won’t have access to Settings tab and Security tab.
Click Login on the upper right of the SyncThru™ Web Service website.
Type in the ID and Password then click Login.
• ID: admin
• Password: sec00000