5.1. Main ten an ce in ter vals
Dai ly: Check war ning signs on equip ment for good
le gi bi li ty and com ple te ness
Cle an the sie ve / fil ter (= units with ac ti ve clea ning):
Use com pres sed air to blow through the sie ve / fil ter
(ac cor ding to the ac cu mu la ti on of dust)
Month ly: Check functi on of the de vi ce plug
Every 6 months: Check all elec tri cal and me cha ni cal con nec tions for tight fit
Check set ting of the le vel sen sor (if pre sent, op tio nal)
Re pla ce the sie ve / fil ter (= units with ac ti ve clea ning)
(ac cor ding to the ac cu mu la ti on of dust)
An nu al ly: Re pla ce out let val ve sea ling.
Ad just val ve switch
Af ter 1000
ope ra ting hours: Re pla ce car bon brus hes
The gi ven main ten an ce in ter vals are aver age va lu es.
Check whet her in your in di vi du al case the main ten an ce in ter vals must be
shor te ned.
5.2. Ser vi cing the con vey or
Dis con nect the unit from mains supp ly by the de vi ce plug.
De pres su ri ze all sys tem sec tions of the equip ment (only units with ac ti ve
clea ning).
Dis as sem bly the unit.
Ma in ten an ce 5-3