5.3. Re pla cing car bon brus hes at tur bi ne
This work must be car ried out by qua li fied per son nel only.
Dis con nect the unit from mains supp ly by the de vi ce plug be fo re you be gin
with works on the con trol ler. Dan ger to life!
De pres su ri ze all sys tem sec tions of the equip ment (only units with ac ti ve
clea ning).
Dis as sem bly the unit.
Re mo ve the screws (A) at the lid.
Re mo ve the lid (B).
Re mo ve the lat chet ca re ful ly from the
brush hol der (C).
Re mo ve the co ver (D).
Loo sen the brush hol der lock.
Pull out the brush hol der.
In stal la ti on
Push the lat chet with the con nec ting line
on to the new brush hol der.
Mount the brush hol der.
Plea se be ca re ful with the lat chet con nec -
ting line.
Mount the co ver.
Mount the lid.
Mount the screws at the lid.
In stall the unit.
Ma in ten an ce 5-8