5.2.3. Clea ning the unit
Open the ten si on ring.
Fold the tur bi ne head up wards.
Re mo ve the sie ve.
Cle an the sie ve by me ans of com pres sed-air.
Cle an the hop per loa der by me ans of a va cu um clea ner.
Mount the sie ve. Pay at ten ti on for pro per fit.
Mount the tur bi ne head.
Mount the ten si on ring.
or op tio nal, ac ti ve clea ning
Open the ten si on ring.
Fold the tur bi ne head up wards.
Re mo ve the fil ter.
Cle an the fil ter by me ans of com pres sed-air.
Cle an the hop per loa der by me ans of a va cu um clea ner.
Mount the fil ter. Pay at ten ti on for pro per fit.
Mount the tur bi ne head.
Mount the ten si on ring.
Or der num ber
sie ve with sea ling ring: ID 35014
fil ter with sealing: ID 37755
Ma in ten an ce 5-6