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10.8.24 Set Max Address (F9h)
1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1
DR DRIVE No. no change
CY Max. cylinder number no change
HD Max. head number no change
SN Max. sector number no change
SC 00
/ 01
(BITO: reserved bit) no change
LBA Max. LBA no change
This command specifies the the maximum address in a range of actual drive capacity. The values set in CY,
HD, SN registers indicate the maximum address that can be accessed. In CHS mode, the value of Read Native
Max Address command should be set in HD, SN register. Otherwise, the value shall be ignored and the value of
Read Max Address command will be used. If an LBA bit (DRV / HD register bit 6) is set, the value in LBA mode
shall be set. If the address exceeding the set value is accessed , “ ABORT ERROR “ error will be reported. This
set value affects the values of WORD 1, 54, 57, 58, 60, 61 of IDENTIFY DEVICE command.
This command shall be immediately preceded by Read Native Max Address command. Otherwise, it will be
terminated with “ ABORT ERROR ” .
If this command is issued twice with a volatile bit set to 1 after power-up or hardware reset, “ID Not Found
error” will be reported.
Volatile bit ( SC register bit 0 ) :
If this command is issued with a volatile bit set to 1, the set value of this command is valid after power-up or
hardware reset.
If this command is issued with a volatile bit cleared to 0, the set value of this command shall be cleared after
hard reset or power-on and the maximam value shall be the last value with a volatile bit set to 1.
10.8.25 Read Native Max Address (F8h)
1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
DR DRIVE No. no change
CY maximum cylinder number
HD maximum head number
SN maximum sector number
LBA maximum LBA
This command sets the maximum address in CY, HD, SN register. If LBA ( DRV / HD register bit6 ) is set to 1,
the maximum address shall be LBA value.