
Release M.10.65 Enhancements
Figure 23. Example of Mapping VLANs with the Range Option where all VLANs are Included
If you want all switches to be in the same MST region, they should all have a software version that
supports this enhancement installed, or have the same VLANS configured.
It is likely that switches with a VLAN range configured prior to this enhancement and switches with
a VLAN range configured after updating the switch with this enhancement will have different
Configuration Digests.
The Common Spanning Tree (CST) will still have the correct root associations.
Operating Notes
Configuring MSTP on the switch automatically configures the Internal Spanning Tree (IST)
instance and places all statically and dynamically configured VLANs on the switch into the
IST instance. The spanning-tree instance vlan command creates a new MST instance and
moves the VLANs you specify from the IST to the MSTI.
You must map a least one VLAN ID to an MSTI when you create it. You cannot map a VLAN ID
to more than one instance. You can create up to 16 MSTIs in a region.
The no form of the spanning-tree instance vlan command removes one or more VLANs from
the specified MSTI. If no VLANs are specified, the no form of the command deletes the
specified MSTI.
When you remove a VLAN from and MSTI, the VLAN returns to the IST instance, where it can
remain or be re-assigned to another MSTI configured in the region.
ProCurve(config)# show spanning-tree mst-config
MST Configuration Identifier Information
MST Configuration Name: MSTP1
MST Configuration Revision: 1
MST Configuration Digest: 0x51B7EBA6BEED8702D2BA4497D4367517
IST Mapped VLANs :
Instance ID Mapped VLANs
-------- ---------------
1 1-10