Software Fixes in Release M.08.51 - M.10.72
Release M.10.23
Release M.10.23
Problems Resolved in Release M.10.23 (Never released)
■ Crash (PR_1000362248) — While attempting to configure "qos type-of-service diff-services"
the switch may crash with a message similar to:
Assertion failed: !VALUE_TOO_BIG_FOR_FIELD, file drvmem.c, line 184.
■ Crash (PR_1000378815) — With a large configuration (>100 VLANs and multiple trunks)
and heavy multicast/broadcast traffic, the switch may crash with a message similar to:
NMI event SW:IP=0x00643150 MSR:0x0000b032 LR:0x00642320
Task='mAdMgrCtrl' Task 0 cr: 0x20400020 sp:0x065356e0
■ Enhancement (PR_1000379804) — Historical information about MAC addresses that
have been moved has been added to the "show tech" command output.
■ Syslog (PR_1000379802) — Forwarding of event log message to a configured syslog server
is not disabled when a specific event log message has been disabled via MIB.
Release M.10.24
Problems Resolved in Release M.10.24 (Never released)
■ CLI (PR_1000364628) — The command output from "show ip rip peer" yields an improperly
formatted peer IP address.
■ Enhancement (PR_1000335860) — This enhancement provides a configuration option
for the source IP address field of SNMP response and generated trap PDUs.
■ Web/RADIUS (PR_1000368520) — Web Authentication doesn't authenticate clients due
to a failure to send RADIUS requests to the configured server.
Release M.10.25
Problems Resolved in Release M.10.25 (Never released)
■ Console/Telnet Hang (PR_1000384178) — Switch management becomes unresponsive
as a result of executing "show int" repeatedly.
■ Enhancement (PR_1000385565) — (CLI) The port security MAC address limit per port
has been increased from 8 to 32 when learn mode is ‘static’ or ‘configured’. However, the
global limit of static/configured MAC addresses per ProCurve Series 3400 switch is 400.