Software Fixes in Release M.08.51 - M.10.72
Release M.08.72
■ LLDP (PR_1000241315) — CLI command "show LLDP" does not display information
■ Web Auth (PR_1000230444) — Using port-based web authentication on the Switch will
cause some users to never receive the web authentication screen. This occurs if a client
receives the same unauthenticated DHCP address that a previous authorized client has used.
■ 802.1s (PR_1000233920) — 802.1s (MSTP) blocks a port that is connected to an RSTP
Release M.08.72
Problems Resolved in Release M.08.72 (Not a general release)
■ Crash (PR_1000234773) — The switch may crash with a message similar to:
"ifInfo" task: SubSystem 0 went down: 01/01/90 00:03:16 NMI event
SW:IP=0x004c1bdc MSR:0x0000b032 LR:0x004c3850 Task='ifInfo' Task
ID=0x137c980 cr: 0x22242040 sp:0x0137bef8 xer:0x00000000.
■ Flow Control (PR_1000241296) — Switch was unable to support flow control between
any ingress and any egress ports.
■ SNMP (PR_1000003378) — SNMP switch time may drift with event log updates occurring
every 1.5 hours.
■ Web UI (PR_1000211978) — On a Stack Management Commander, when using "stack
access" to view members, the screen does not display correct information.
Release M.08.73
Problems Resolved in Release M.08.73 (Not a general release)
■ Crash (PR_1000282197) — The 3400cl-48G may experience crash or reboot symptoms on
initial install of the switch. The crashes have a PPC crash heading. The switch may reboot
with no crash history, simply the following message:
System reboot due to power failure.
Boot ROM — Updated to I.08.07 version to support fix for PR 1000282197.
Release M.08.74
Problems Resolved in Release M.08.74 (Not a general release)
Meshing (PR_1000282427) — Multicast traffic not forwarded out 10 Gigabit mesh ports.