
Software Fixes in Release M.08.51 - M.10.72
Release M.10.26
STP/RSTP/MSTP (PR_1000386113) — In some cases STP/RSTP/MSTP may allow a loop
on 10-Gig ports, resulting in a broadcast storm.
Release M.10.26
Problems Resolved in Release M.10.26 (Not a general release)
Enhancement (PR_1000381681) — This enhancement added eavesdrop protection - the
ability to filter unknown Destination IP Address (DA) traffic.
MSTP (PR_1000385573) — MSTP instability when root switch priority is changed. This
causes other switches with better priority to each assert themselves to be root thus causing
a root war to occur.
SNMP (PR_1000388175) — SNMP PDU configuration enhancement CLI commands are
not working.
Release M.10.27
Problems Resolved in Release M.10.27 (Never released)
Crash (PR_1000382962) — Executing the CLI command, "sho int" on a mini-GBIC that isn't
linked, may cause the switch to crash with a message similar to:
Divide by Zero Error: IP=0x8017becc Task='mSess1' Task ID=0x834b19d0
fp:0x00000018 sp:0x834b0d20 ra:0x8017be18 sr:0x1000fc01 Division by
0 Crash at cli_opershow_action.c:1298.
CLI (PR_1000380660) — The "show tech transceivers" CLI command displays the wrong
message when inserting an "A" version transceiver into a switch that only supports "B"
version transceivers. Also, "B" version CX4 transceivers show up as "A" and "A" version SR,
LR, and ER transceivers show up as "B" versions.
CLI (PR_1000390042) — Corrupted Spanning Tree Status/Configuration Menu screens.
Enhancement (PR_1000374085) — This enhancement expands the use of the Controlled
Directions parameter to also support MAC/Web authentication.
MSTP/VLAN (PR_1000381648) — When a client port is reassigned to a VLAN associated
with another MSTP instance, the MAC appears to be incorrectly recorded on the wrong port
after that port is assigned back to the original VLAN associated with the other MSTP instance.