PowrCoat 17
7.4 Fluid Pump
Problem Cause Solution
A. Pump delivers on upstroke only
or goes up slowly and down fast
(commonly called downstroke
1. Lowerfootvalveballisnotseatingdueto
trash or wear.
2. Material to viscous to siphon.
3. Air leaking in on siphon side or damaged
siphon hose. Siphon may be too small for
heavy material.
4. Upperpackingnut(ifapplicable)islooseor
upper packings are worn.
1. Remove foot valve assembly. Clean and inspect. Test
foot valve by lling with water. If ball fails to seal the
seat, replace ball.
2. Thin material - contact manufacturer for proper
thinning procedures.
3. Tighten all connections between pump and paint
container. If damaged, replace. Switch to bigger
siphon set.
4. If tightening upper packing nut does not correct,
change upper packings.
B. Pumpdeliversondownstroke
only or goes up fast and down
1. Upperballisnotseatingduetotrashor
2. Lowerpackingsetisworn.
1. Check upper seat and ball with water. If ball fails to
seal seat, replace.
2. Replace packing set is worn.
C. Pump moves up and down fast,
not delivering material.
1. Material container is empty or material is
too thick to ow through the siphon hose.
2. Bottomballstucktofootvalveseat.
3. Siphon hose is kinked or loose.
1. Rell with new material. If too thick, remove siphon
hose, immerse uid section in material, and start
pump to prime. Add thinner to material. Change to
bigger siphon set. Open bleed valve to remove air
and restart pump.
2. Remove foot valve. Clean ball and seat.
3. Straighten.
D. Pump moves up and down
slowly when spray gun is shut
1. Looseconnections.Bleedvalveisopen
packing set is worn.
2. Upperand/orlowerballnotseating.
1. Check all connections between pump and gun.
Tighten as necessary. If material is owing from
bleed hose, close bleed valve or replace if necessary.
Should none of above be evident, replace lower
2. Reset balls by cleaning.
E. Not enough uid pressure at
1. Spray tip is worn.
2. Compressor (air operated units only) too
small. Outlet lter or gun lter is clogged.
3. Lowvoltageand/orinadequateamperage.
4. Hose size or length is too small or too long.
1. Replace.
2. Clean or replace lter. Recommend proper hose size
and/or air compressor size.
3. Check electrical service. Correct as required.
4. Increase hose size to minimize pressure drop through
hose and/or reduce hose lengths.
F. Pump chatters on up or down
1. Solvent has caused upper packing to swell,
or packing is too tight.
1. Backoupperpackingnut1/4turn(ifapplicable)
and restart pump. Repeat if necessary.