PowrCoat 3
Safety precautions
Flammable vapors, such as solvent and paint vapors,
in work area can ignite or explode.
• Useequipmentonlyinwellventilatedarea.Keepagood
supply of fresh air moving through the area to keep the air
within the spray area free from accumulation of ammable
spray pump assembly.
• Eliminateallignitionsources,suchaspilotlights,cigarettes,
portable electric lamps and plastic drop cloths (potential static
• Keepworkareafreeofdebris,includingsolvent,ragsand
• Donotplugorunplugpowercords,orturnpowerorlight
switches on or o when ammable vapors are present.
• Groundequipmentandconductiveobjectsinworkarea.
Make sure the grounding cable is connected from the
grounding lug to a true earth ground.
• Useonlygroundedhoses.
• Holdspraygunrmlytothesideofagroundedpailwhen
triggering into pail.
• Ifthereisstaticsparkingorifyoufeelashock,stop operation
• Knowthecontentsofthepaintandsolventsbeingsprayed.
Read all Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and container
labels provided with the paints and solvents. Follow the paint
and solvent manufacturer’s safety instructions.
• Donotuseapaintorsolventcontaininghalogenated
hydrocarbons. Such as chlorine, bleach mildewcide,
methylene chloride and trichloroethane. They are not
compatible with aluminum. Contact the coating supplier
about compatibility of material with aluminum.
• Keepareextinguisherinworkarea.
Paints, solvents, and other materials can be harmful
if inhaled or come in contact with body. Vapors can
cause severe nausea, fainting, or poisoning.
• Wearrespiratoryprotectionwhenspraying.Readall
instructions supplied with the mask to be sure it will provide
the necessary protection.
• Alllocalregulationsregardingprotectionagainsthazardous
vapors must be observed.
• Wearprotectiveeyewear.
• Protectiveclothing,glovesandpossiblyskinprotectioncream
are necessary for the protection of the skin. Observe the
regulations of the manufacturer concerning coating materials,
solvents and cleaning agents in preparation, processing and
cleaning units.
This product can cause severe injury or property
• Followallappropriatelocal,state,andnationalcodes
governing ventilation, re prevention, and operation.
• Pullingthetriggercausesarecoilforcetothehandthatis
holding the spray gun. The recoil force of the spray gun is
particularly powerful when the tip has been removed and
a high pressure has been set on the airless pump. When
cleaning without a spray tip, set the pressure control knob to
the lowest pressure.
• Useonlymanufacturerauthorizedparts.Userassumesall
risks and liabilities when using parts that do not meet the
minimum specications and safety devices of the pump
• ALWAYSfollowthematerialmanufacturer’sinstructionsfor
safe handling of paint and solvents.
• Cleanupallmaterialandsolventspillsimmediatelytoprevent
slip hazard.
• Wearearprotection.Thisunitcanproducenoiselevelsabove
• Neverleavethisequipmentunattended.Keepawayfrom
children or anyone not familiar with the operation of airless
• Deviceweighsinexcessof36kg.Three-personliftisrequired.
• Donotsprayonwindydays.
• Thedeviceandallrelatedliquids(i.e.hydraulicoil)mustbe
disposed of in an environmentally friendly way.
1.2 Compressor Safety
PowrCoat units are Air-Powered (powered by an air compressor).
Follow all safety precautions given by the compressor manufacturer
regarding electrical and general safety.
clogged air intake of the compressor with overspray.
If lacquer or other flammable materials are to be
sprayed, ALWAYS locate the compressor outside the
immediate spraying area. Failure to do so may cause
an explosion.
PowrCoat units are equipped with an internal relief valve that is set
to automatically release air pressure if regulated air pressure exceeds
105 PSI (7.2 bar). A slight bleed in pressure may occur in the relief
valve as regulated air pressure nears 105 PSI (7.2 bar).
If the the relief valve activates, decrease the pressure on the unit's air
regulator by turning it counter-clockwise. This action will reset the
relief valve.