Reception of Weather Channel Broadcasts
(USA version only)
The VXA-700 can receive VHF Weather Channel broad-
casts, which may assist your flight planning. The VXA-
700 includes a ten-channel auto-search feature, which sim-
plifies access to Weather Channels when you are in an
unfamiliar location.
r To receive Weather
Channels, press the
key (repeatedly, if nec-
essary) to select the
Weather Channel mode.
In the Weather Channel
mode, “WX” will appear
upper left corner of the display.
r The VXA-700 will now scan quickly though the ten
standard Weather Channels, and will stop on the first
active station found.
r If there are two or more weather channels audible in
your area, you may select the alternate channel(s) by
pressing the PTT switch. Pressing the PTT switch re-
initiates the scanning process.
r If there are no Weather Channels in your area, the scan-
ner will not stop. Press the MONITOR button to stop
the scanner.
r You can also select Weather Channels manually by
rotating the DIAL selector knob.
r To exit the Weather Channel mode, press the key
momentarily to return to the VFO mode.
Note: The Weather Channel mode memorizes the last
Weather Channel you have used, and will retain this infor-
mation until the radio is turned off.