_ OWhen movie recording is stopped in any mode dial except_lm the still image settings return to the settings before
movie shooting began. AE lock (p. 70) and exposure shift,
however, are disabled.
• QuickTime 3.0 or later is required to play back movies (Data
type: AVl/Compression method: Motion JPEG) on a
computer. QuickTime (for Windows) is included on the Canon
Digital Camera Solution Disk. On the Macintosh platform, this
program is standard with Mac OS X or later.
Changing Movie Recording Pixels and
Frame Rates
You can change the movie recording pixets and frame rate in any
shooting mode.
1 FUNC, button _[]*/[]/[]/[]
(Recording Pixels/Frarne
SeeMenus and Settings (p,26)
• Use the • or • button to select
the recording pixels/frame rate
and press the FUNC. button.
* Default setting.
Remaining Time (S ;,)
Movie Recording Pixels/Frame Rates
Frame rates indicate the number of frames recorded or played
back each second. The higher the frame rate, the smoother the
appearance of motion.
', RecordingPixels : FrameRate
[] ', 640x 480pixels ', 30framestsec.
, 640x 480pixels 15framestsec.
, 320x 240pixels 60framestsec.
', 320x 240pixels ', 30framestsec.
[] ', 320x 240pixels ', 15framestsec.
_] OSee Image Data Sizes (Estimated) (p. 152)
OSee Memory Cards and Estimated Capacities (p. 151)